Chris Fedorka Book Collection
Chris Fedorka Tomalin is a published poet and author of adult and children’s fiction. “If I Had a Tail,” “Oscar, the Obstinate Osprey”, The Nighttime Comes” and AN EVEN EXCHANGE are the titles of her books. She has spent over thirty-five years in education as an adjunct professor, school board president and board member, high school counselor, administrator, and an elementary school teacher.
After retiring from education, Chris had a divorce mediation practice while volunteering for the Ocean County, NJ, Superior Court where she conducted family, truancy, and civil court mediations.
When not writing, she is a volunteer mediator for the Kent and Sussex Courts through People’s Place, a reader for Read Aloud Delaware, an osprey watcher for DNREC, a member of the Long Neck Sunshine Rotary and the Rehoboth Beach Writers Group. She is actively involved in the parish of St. Georges Church in Harbeson. Chris has become a pickleball addict in her free time!
After raising her two sons in New Jersey, Chris now resides in Sussex County, Delaware, with her husband Tim, and her Cavachon, Lilly.

If I Had a Tail
A picture book by CF Tomalin
Ages 3-8
“How might it be different to have the tail of an animal?” is the question raised in this thoughtful tale for children.
The colorful illustrations tickle the imagination of children.
What tail might I like? How might it be useful?
These are just a few ideas a child might have as they wonder in “If I Had a Tail.”

Book by CF Tomalin
Young Oscar, the Osprey, learns why his parents call him “Obstinate Oscar” in this story about a very picky eater.
Oscar must learn how to provide for himself when he is left behind at Massey’s Landing for the winter, too weak to fly south.
Little Oscar’s tale will warm your heart as it teaches the young reader a little lesson about the importance of nutrition and what it means to be “Obstinate”.

The Nighttime Comes
A picture book by CF Tomalin Query
Ages 3-10, 924 Words, 6 Pages
When a parent or nanny hears this explosive reply to bedtime prep, “But I don’t want to go to bed!” this charming story might provide just the proper antidote to remedy this uncomfortable situation. Nighttime fears are so real to our little ones. The imagination of the young mind creates unimaginable illusions and dreams. This simple tale of 405 words is a chance for a child and their parent to voice their fears of the dark and the nighttime. With colorful, sensitive illustrations, deliberately looking non-gender, this story will touch the heart of the most fearful of youngsters and help to make going to bed more fun.

An Even Exchange
Book by CF Tomalin
Ages Teens - Adults
The story is told in two voices by the two main characters – Colin and Beri. Beri is a young woman selected to study abroad. Her independence and determination pull her deeply into the story. Colin, the conservative British male main character, seeks a traditional route through life. This creates an internal conflict for our two main characters while their deep attraction and respect for one another pulls them together. The story is a quick read which has been enjoyed by a number of book club members on the east coast. It is very different from other novels. Each page is a stand-alone chapter.